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Let us learn - How to Clean Jewelry
Jewellery is close to every woman’s heart, and they love to keep it looking amazing just like the when you bought it. Majority of women spend hundreds and thousands of bucks to keep their jewellery shiny as new, but the good news is that you don’t have to spend fortune to keep your jewellery sparkling and shiny, all you need is few things that you already have at your place.
To maintain your jewellery, you no longer need expensive jewellery cleaners. A little time and the right ingredients together is all that you need to make sure that your gold radiates and your diamonds shine.
Majority of homes use ammonia to clean floors, but the fact is it also works great when it comes to cleaning diamonds without having any harmful effect on them. All you need is to take the one fourth tea cup of ammonia and one cup of warm water and gently mix them together in a bowl or a jar. Place your diamonds jewelry in to the bowl or jar and let them sit for about 10 minutes. After your soaking your diamond jewelry, take a soft bristled brush and scrub it gently to remove any stain or grime that remains.
Make sure you get into the crevices and setting on the piece because dirt and grime can stick in these small areas. After cleaning the jewellery, simply rinse the jewellery with plain water and dry it off completely with the help of a soft cloth.
- Toothpaste -
Toothpaste is a very effective when it comes to cleaning your jewellery and with the help of the toothpaste you can clean up your jewellery on the go. Take an inch of toothpaste and a tablespoon of warm water; mix these together till you get a loose paste out of it. This is a little abrasive, so it works direct on your jewellery and takes the grime off, and for corners and setting you can use a soft bristled toothbrush. Since the tooth paste is slightly abrasive, it will not put any scratch your jewellery. When done rinse the jewellery with the plain water.
- Aluminium foil -
Tarnished silver jewelry responds well to aluminium foil. Take a plate or a tray put a clean piece of foil on it and simply spread your jewelry out on the tray. Slowing sprinkle some baking soda on each piece of jewelry to mildly coat each piece with the soda. Next, boil a few cups of water and gently pour the water on the jewelry with the mild baking soda coating on them.
The main purpose of using a foil is that aluminium collects the tarnish that comes off the jewelry. It is highly recommended to do this gently and make sure to do it on one side of your jewelry first and then turn it over and do the other side; this will help you evenly clean the jewelry. Once you are done, rinse it with warm water and gently dry it off.
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